Common Roots uses gardening as a way to increase community and mental well being; and to foster greater connection and understanding of one another and the environment.

With gratitude, we live, grow food, teach, and learn on Mi’kma’ki,
the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
Common Roots Urban Farm has a farm site in both Halifax and Dartmouth. Each site is unique, and they also share essential elements. Both farm sites have 3 key types of gardening plots: Common, Community, & Market Garden. We use the gardens to engage and build community through volunteer programming, skill building, events and more.
The farms have common seating and gathering areas and gardens where anyone is invited to explore, touch, and taste from. Come by, visit and nibble some haskap berries or day lilies and smell some herbs and flowers.
Our market gardens are our social enterprise. We produce delicious incredibly fresh, ecologically grown, food and flowers to sell and donate to the community. Our products can be purchased at our market stand from July to October. One hundred percent of proceeds are reinvested into our farm programs.
Community allotment plots are rented out or donated to individuals, families and groups to grow food for themselves and their community.

Common Roots – BiHi Park
Common Roots Urban Farm BiHi is a community farm at the bottom of Bayers Road, across from the Bayers Road Centre.
Established in 2019, we are a community space where all members of the community are welcome to visit and spend time. We host a variety of programs including volunteer programs, group visits, workshops and community events, providing opportunities to learn about our food, our environment and one another.
To learn more about our BiHi site click below:

Common Roots – Woodside
Common Roots Woodside is situated on the grounds of the Nova Scotia Hospital in Dartmouth, which serves mental health and addictions patients.
Since 2015, CRUF Woodside has used gardening as a way to promote physical, mental, and environmental health. We offer gardening programming with clients at the hospital as well as the general public and aim to create a space for growing food and flowers that is both supportive and welcoming.
To learn more about our Woodside site click below:

Our Roots
Common Roots Urban Farm was established in 2012 as interim land use on hospital grounds in downtown Halifax. On this 2 acre site, we built 195 community plots, common areas and a market garden that produced vegetables and flowers for donation and sale.
Over seven years, this site became a lively and thriving ecosystem in the middle of the city. Here, we inspired our city (and ourselves, really) with what we can grow together in a few short years. In 2019, this site moved to make way for the hospital expansion.
Check out the video below to learn more about our roots.
Common Roots Urban Farm
is a project of