Produce for sale: week of May 30

Hello there retail and wholesale customers!  This is what we have available this week: Sweet baby kale (overwintered) (About 3 lbs)  – $6/lb Spicy braising mix (Asian greens, no lettuce, about 2 lbs) – $6/lb Young garlic (thinning where too close together)...
Seedlings for Sale!

Seedlings for Sale!

We have seedlings available for purchase on the farm! Prices vary by type and size of plant, but are generally $5 for 6 smaller plants, and $1 each for larger plants. The market stand is open Tuesday-Thursday, 11:30-5:30 (later on Wednesdays). Happy...

Growing TV stars

Telltale Productions is using Common Roots Urban Farm as a site for a new show for Accessible Media Inc. The show is about Milena, a blind gardener, and her mentor Rosmarie Lohnes, building a garden, learning together, and with the community of Common Roots. Shooting...
New crew on the farm

New crew on the farm

You have have seen these engineering stakes around the farm last week.  And, sometime soon, we’ll see a big machine drill 5 holes, on the farm. The big drilling machine (like above) is doing a geologic survey, to understand where the bedrock is beneath the farm....
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