This summer, the United Way Halifax came to Common Roots to do a photoshoot of DataRam Humagai, and tell his story.
It starts like this: “Data Ram Humangai spent nearly two decades in a refugee camp before coming to Halifax. There was no farmland or outside access on the camp, but he remembers making his own pots from rice bags and using them to grow green vegetables.”
It is called The Roots Of Community, and you can read the full story here.
They go on to say: “In 2017, Humangai became the first paid employee* for Common Roots Urban Farm, working as a full-time assistant to the market garden co-ordinator. In this role, Humangai helps organize the volunteers and offers his knowledge and expertise on the harvest. He’s also introduced new crops to the farm, including mustard oil, which is very popular with the Nepalese-Bhutanese community. Humangai says it’s also gaining popularity amongst Haligonians, “We can supply more for the community. So we are all enjoying this garden.” ”
*Note: the first employee in this role at Common Roots