On March 28th, 2017, one of our beloved volunteers, Don Christie was interviewed by Natalie Dobbin, on CBC Mainstreet NS.  He talks about the challenges of living on a very low income, with many challenges, but the bright spot that Common Roots Urban Farm has been in his life.

Tom Murphy’s intro to the piece:
Don Christie knows what its like to live on a very low income. And he knows what it’s like to live with mental illness. When his wife died … he says, he lost it. He’s also losing his sight and his teeth, because of diabetes …And he’s losing his mobility because of problems with his knees. But there are a couple of bright spots in his life. He’s discovered the Common Roots Urban Farm.  And he’s getting more money — about 1500-dollars a month – from Canada Pension. When the CBC’s Natalie Dobbin visited him in his apartment in Dartmouth — he told her he’s lived on as little as 320 dollars a month, after rent.
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