Common Roots BiHi is hiring a Community Engagement Coordinator!
Common Roots BiHi is hiring a Community Engagement Coordinator One Position: Community Outreach Coordinator Organization: Common Roots Urban Farm BiHi Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Eligibility: this position is funded through the Job Creation Partnership...

CRUF Woodside is Hiring 2 Garden Engagement Coordinators
Two Positions: Garden Engagement Coordinator Organization: Common Roots Urban Farm – Woodside Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia ***We are currently awaiting confirmation of funding for these positions.*** Eligibility: these positions are funded through the Job...

Cozy Mushroom Soup
By Lianne Lessard Fall has been lovely this year, crisp air, colourful leaves and bright and beautiful sunlight. Autumn ismushroom season and foraging for mushrooms is quite a popular hobby for many people here in NovaScotia. There are plenty of varieties to...

CTV Fields to Forks: Taste of Tradition
Cover Photograph by Carolina Andrade for Beside Magazine 2020 Yesterday CTV did an awesome segment featuring Dorcas Nkobwa and Imelde Nduwimana, and their urban gardens! Both have been gardening at Woodside for five years, growing a variety of food from home through...
No Fuss Butternut Squash Soup
By Lianne Lessard When I used to work at a farmer's market, one of the greatest life hacks I ever received from a customer was howto roast squash in the oven. It was a simple hack, barely a sentence long but it changed my life forever. It was this:"When you're...

Quick Pickles
By Lianne Lessard Have you ever read the famous cook book by Samin Nosrat, 'Salt Fat Acid Heat'? It's an incredibly helpfulbook to keep in your kitchen that outlines the building blocks of a great meal. When it comes to the acidpart of this equation there are many...

Silky Zucchini Soup
By Lianne Lessard Although we are weeks past 'Leave a Zucchini Onto your Neighbor's Porch Day', we are stillmeeting an abundance of summer squash that needs processing, eating and enjoying. By theway 'Leave a Zucchini Onto your Neighbor's Porch Day' is a yearly...

Chin Thi Thok – a late summer recipe for your green tomatoes and beans
A blog post by Lianne Lessard As Summer is drawing to a close, my tomato plants have been kicking the bucket. Tomato plants oftenproduce much later into the season than the end of August, but with 3 flights of stairs to climb downand then 3 flights to climb up hauling...

Common Roots Is Hiring A Summer Position!
CRUF Hiring Two Urban Farm Assistants Eligibility: The individual must be between the ages of 15 and 30 years old and a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident. Hours: 35 hours/week at $15.50/hour, Early June until mid August (start and end dates may be slightly...

Common Roots is Hiring for 4 Positions – Applications due Sunday April 10
We're hiring! Come work with us this season. Please check out the below links for the job descriptions as well as eligibility requirements. Common Roots Woodside is hiring 2 Garden Engagement Coordinators. Common Roots BiHi is hiring one Community Outreach...
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