Tea Towels: the backstory

Tea Towels: the backstory

Pretty in love with these tea towels, won’t deny it! Last fall, we were lucky to get a small grant from Credit Union Atlantic through their Community Investment Grant Program. We wanted to make some nice merchandise for the farm, and this allowed us the start-up...
We need your support!

We need your support!

Do you think its important that food bank users get healthy produce? We do, but we need support to do so. So far this year we have received $1100 in donations to support our donation of healthy food to the Parker Street Food Bank.  Thanks to the Halifax Partnership,...

Produce for sale: week of May 30

Hello there retail and wholesale customers!  This is what we have available this week: Sweet baby kale (overwintered) (About 3 lbs)  – $6/lb Spicy braising mix (Asian greens, no lettuce, about 2 lbs) – $6/lb Young garlic (thinning where too close together)...
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