We held a Pecha Kucha on March 11, at JustUs! Cafe.   DataRam, Amber, and Narayan (Deep Roots alumn and core volunteers) spent time through winter working with Sara (Market Garden Coordinator) to develop PK presentations.  Five community members also accepted the challenge, resulting in an afternoon bouquet of food stories, knowledge and laughter. int

Av Singh was a wonderful MC, offering his appreciation for culture and agriculture. He brought presents from Navdanya, (Vandana Shiva’s organization) to the winners of ‘name this vegetable in Nepali or Arabic’.

The place was packed (it was too small actually). The presenters (and their families) left feeling proud, and feedback from the crowd was appreciative of the eye-opening opportunity.

We’d love to do this annually: Work through winter to support interested gardeners in developing their ability to confidently deliver a workshop or presentation.  For Equinox, let’s have an annual Pecha Kucha and Plant Party, when we get to hear a new set of PKs on AgriCULTURE: Food Without Borders.  If you’d beerested to help fund this work, please email commonroots@partnersfo    rcare.ca

The other part of this project is on-farm workshops.  Narayan and Tikaram have created Garden Most Productively, and DataRam and Amber are working on Season Extension.  Come check out these workshops when you see them posted: Hear from seriously skillful gardeners about to grow as much healthy food as they do.


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