We had a really great week on the Farm!  Sara and our Deep Roots crew harvested 85 pounds of salad from the Market Garden!!!  Seriously, try to imagine the volume of that.

Also, 16.5 pounds of peas and 24 bunches of radishes.  So much harvest!

Of this, we donated 36 pounds to Parker Street Food Bank.

We sold about $1000 worth of veggies and flowers produced on the farm this week.

We sell our produce and flowers at our on-farm market stand, in our weekly veggie and flower boxes, and wholesale to these amazing places:

NSHA cafeteria

Thanks to these buyers for supporting Common Roots Urban Farm and buying local.

Thanks most of all to Sara, Salvatory, DataRam, Mohamad, Chandra, Indra, Lok Bahadur, Pascaline and Mlasi, for planting, growing, watering, harvesting, and packaging all this healthy food, and getting it out into the community!

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